Export Support 


Though embarking on a discovery tour in your target market is highly recommendable, sometimes traveling is just not an option. Whether you need more in-depth consultancy, a lifeline or to learn export best practices on your own, I've got you covered with a selection of online services.

Prices plus local VAT if applicable.
Special price for group registration – call for details.



Companies turn to me for one-to-one advice on their export strategy and related questions such as:

  • Customer journey
  • Market selection
  • Value proposition
  • Building an A-Team
  • Partner strategy
  • Stakeholder relations

We work online on your time schedule on the topics that help your company reach its export potential.

1-3-month engagement
USD 4,900 per month
(subject to change based on actual scope)


Book a Call

Export Life-LineĀ 

The agreement with a new distributor has been sealed. The U.S. legal entity has now been established.

You are ready for the US export venture to take off and it's time for you (as a European investor) to start operating and become successful in the American market.

Regardless of how well-prepared you are, you will have questions about the operation. And that's OK. I'm here to help.

My service: "Export Life-Line" gives you peace of mind and enables you to call whenever you need a second opinion before making a decision. Or you may have forgotten when the annual tax filing is due. After completing one of my services companies want to maintain the relationship with me andĀ keep me as a life-line in case questions arise as the company moves into the day-to-day operation of their export venture.

The subscription includes:

  • Monthly ā€œunlimitedā€ sparring-calls* to discuss arising business challenges on the new market



USD 180 per month for a 12-month annual subscription. USD 199 per month when paid monthly.

*If it turns out you need more than sparring, we will identify a new scope to solve your needs.


On Demand 

7 modules around export and my COURAGE model. Buy access and watch whenever convenient for you and to fit your time schedule:

  • CCustomer Insight
    Creating a concept test to understand your ideal customer’s needs, behavior, and expectations.

  • OObsessed with local markets
    Neither the US nor the EU is ONE market. Nor do you need them to be. Identify your best entrance market.

  • UUnfold cultural differences
    Dive deep into understanding where mindset and practices differ from your home market.

  • RRight Setup
    Specify the customer journey and how to set up the value chain and team to best serve your new market and optimize long-term profitability.

  • AAround the Clock
    No matter how you slice it, it's a 24/7 commitment to move outside your time zone.

  • GGenerate Relations
    Build and maintain your network to identify the cheerleaders who will help to bring your business success.

  • EExponential Growth and Exit
    Outline the strategic steps to enter, scale, and exit your export venture.

USD 799 for immediate access.

Read More

Interested in learning more?

The COURAGE model is a powerful framework to develop and maintain successful export ventures. Contact me to learn more about how I can bring value to your organization. 

Contact me


Careers ”Across the Pond"

I have lived and worked outside my native Denmark for two tenures: 3 years in Berlin, Germany, and 10 years in the USA. I was fortunate to experience both Atlanta Georgia and Washington DC.

I've helped numerous spouses of deployed ex-pats find career opportunities in the USA and as networker and connecter, I've oftentimes provided career advice to business professionals in transit between Europe and the USA and vice versa. 

If you have a dream of pursuing a career "Across the Pond" I would love to hear your story and give my two cents of wisdom as to the best opportunity for you to find the next international dream job. 

During our session, I will to the best of my abilities, share the following with you:

  • where you can find companies interested in your skills and competencies 
  • job-search platforms 
  • suggestion as to where you will find relevant network opportunities

After our one-hour online session, you will be one step closer to realizing your dream of pursuing a job "Across the Pond." 

After completing the purchase, you will receive an email within 48 hours to arrange a time for the video session.


DKK 1,500 + VAT (60-minute session)

